Payroll administration.
Are you looking for payroll support or would you like to outsource your salary administration? We have great experience with payroll in international settings. From setting up a payroll administration for your first employee in the Netherlands to taking over payroll for your already existing Dutch subsidary. We will update you on the constantly changing legislation. Our specialists are happy to discuss the possibilities, and determine how we can optimize this process through our software solutions.
We offer several tools for your payroll. As an entrepreneur, you are still in control, but retain the opportunity to exchange views with our specialists.
If you already use a payroll program, you can opt for it choose to have one of our specialists check the payroll processing on a monthly basis. They will ensure that your payroll is processed properly.
Take work off your hands
Outsourcing payroll saves you time. This means you can focus on your business. We are happy to give you an insight into the work we do for you.
Our specialists will dedicate all the time necessary to address your questions. Call us or complete the form below, and we will get in touch!
Call +31 492 - 54 85 55We will get in touch as soon as possible.