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Services - Tax advisory

Wage taxes and social security.

Employees are by far the most valuable asset of your company. Apart from wages and good employment conditions it comes with other costs. As an employer, you are obliged to withhold wage tax and social security premiums on behalf of your employees. What are the (non) taxable options to bind and reward your employees? Our specialists are happy to guide you through the options and obligations and advise in this respect.

Naamloos 35
Pathway into the world of tax advice.

How does the Dutch tax system work and what opportunities are there to minimise these obligations? Our specialists will be happy to advise you on issues like these and guide you through the complex world of tax advice.

We will be happy to support you in...
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    Working expenses scheme;

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    Cross-border employment;

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    Employee participation;

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    Employee subsidies;

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    Social security.

What can we help you with?
Our team of specialists is at your service.
  • 0d5b9d7831d50a79c56c61c385055b4b
    Peggy Ramaekers

    Senior Belastingadviseur | Specialist Internationaal

  • 089539deb9f8bcd18251fb7bc6a8feeb
    Gert-Jan van Dooren


  • 4a223c04c4103fc2ae31df1fa811ceb9
    Joyce Jansen


  • Bf364ebaf97145ea2b7c2bdf609a91f2
    Emine Akgün - Akyildiz


Form big blue
Do you have any questions?

Our specialists will dedicate all the time necessary to address your questions. Call us or complete the form below, and we will get in touch!

Call +31 492 - 54 85 55